Saturday, March 26, 2016

KoolAid Easter Eggs

I have been seeing Kool-Aid Dyed Easter Eggs all over Pinterest for the past month. Since I have two little ones and last year when we dyed eggs with food coloring our hands were dyed for many days, I thought this would be worth a try. 

This was a very inexpensive way to dye eggs as well. The packets cost me 3/$1 and you do not have to use vinegar just water. I gathered my supplies and my Mom hard boiled the eggs, we were ready to go.

We decided to try yellow (lemonade), red (cherry), blue (raspberry lemonade), purple (grape), orange (orange) and green (a mix of the yellow and blue).

The only one we were a little bit disappointed by was the purple, it looked more like black than purple. The experimental green one even turned out pretty.

My 4 year old was really into it and my almost 2 year old had fun doing this too, she just had a hard time waiting for the eggs to soak. The only one who got anything on their hands was my 4 year old and it came off very easily with soap and water.

I think that this is going to be our new way of dying eggs in the future, or at least until my daughters are old enough to care about getting dye on their hands.

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